Hire Savannah Criminal Lawyer

Why Hire Us?

Choosing a defense attorney is one of the most important decisions that a person will ever make. The entire trajectory of a life can change in a single court case. With this in mind, a person must be certain that they are making the correct decision when they choose an attorney to represent them in court.

Some defense attorneys are only in the business to get quick results. This often means an early guilty plea. Joey Turner fights for his clients, and tries to find the optimal outcomes for each individual case. Sometimes a plea bargain is the best option, but that should be a last result and only be explored when all avenues of exoneration have been thoroughly explored.

At the core of Joey Turner’s process is meticulous preparation. This principle has enabled him to have success with his previous clients. A collected defense attorney who is ready for the case and its twists and turns can be the difference between a conviction and dismissal of charges.

At the Turner Firm, we also recognize the importance of storytelling in the courtroom. Juries and judges alike are more responsive to information when it is presented concisely as part of a narrative. Our defendant’s side of the story is always at the core of the defenses we build for them, as we recognize the crucial difference a strong narrative can make.

If you are looking for a defense attorney, the Turner Firm is one of the best that you will find. Joey Turner and his team use their extensive trial experience to make a difference in cases every day. When combined with flexible payment plans and no obligation initial case consultations, the Turner Firm represents a firm that can make a difference in your case.  Contact them today to begin your journey towards a strong defense.

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