Possession of Crystal Meth in Savannah

Possession of crystal meth (methamphetamine) is severely punished under Georgia law.Because crystal meth is a highly addictive drug, Georgia law harshly punishes crimes associated with it in an attempt to discourage people from becoming addicted to this dangerous drug. In addition to possession of crystal meth, other crimes associated with this drug are possession with the intent to distribute and trafficking. Possession with the intent to distribute and trafficking are both punished more severely than simple possession of crystal meth. However, any crime associated with crystal meth is a serious crime that requires the assistance of a qualified criminal defense attorney such as the attorneys at The Turner Firm.

What is the punishment for crimes associated with crystal meth?

Any crime associated with crystal meth is a felony under Georgia law. That is to say, if you’re convicted for possession of crystal meth, possession of crystal meth with the intent to distribute or trafficking crystal meth, you’ll be a convicted felon with a drug conviction on your permanent criminal record. A conviction for any crime associated with crystal meth means that you will serve time in prison and pay a hefty fine. Additionally, you will likely be required to serve time on probation and attend drug counseling. Depending upon the facts and circumstances of your case, you could face prosecution by either state or federal authorities.

What is the long-term impact of a conviction of a crime associated with crystal meth?

A drug conviction involving crystal meth can have a devastating impact on your future for the remainder of your life. Even after you have served your sentence and completed drug counseling, you will always be a convicted drug felon. Anyone who inquires about your criminal record will be able to discover your drug conviction. A drug conviction on your permanent criminal record can disqualify you from numerous opportunities for employment, higher education, loans and housing. For this reason, it’s critical to retain a qualified criminal defense attorney to act on your behalf.Protecting your future is our first concern! Call The Turner Firm today for a complimentary consultation.

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