Savannah Gun Charges Lawyer

The right to bear arms or own a gun is a constitutional right that comes with a variety of limitations. In Georgia, you are required to have a proper permit to carry a gun in certain instances. If you fail to obtain the proper permit, you must keep your gun in your house or your car. Additionally, if you’re a convicted felon in Georgia, you are prohibited from owning a gun.

Who is prohibited from owning or possessing a gun in Georgia?

There are a wide variety of people who are prohibited from owning or being in possession of a gun in Georgia. For starters, convicted felons and people who have been convicted of domestic violence are prohibited from owning or possessing a gun. People who are fugitives from justice are also prohibited from owning or being in possession of a firearm. Additionally, people who have been dishonorably discharged from the military are prohibited from owning or possessing a firearm. Finally, illegal aliens as well as people who have been committed to a mental health facility are prohibited from owning or possessing a gun.

What types of gun crimes are on the books in Georgia?

Because of their dangerous nature, Georgia strictly regulates guns. Regulation of guns in Georgia includes both the sale of guns and the ownership of guns. In Georgia, gun possession is subject to strict rules concerning who can own a gun, what type of gun you can own and where you can go with your gun. For example, it is illegal in Georgia to possess a firearm in a federal facility such as an airport, post office, government building or military base. It is also illegal to transport a gun over state lines. Additionally, it is illegal to own an automatic firearm, a stolen firearm or an illegally altered firearm such as a sawed-off shotgun.  Finally, certain types of ammunition are illegal in Georgia, and it is against the law to purchase a gun from an unauthorized dealer.

Got questions about guns? We can give you the low down on gun ownership and gun crimes in Georgia. Call The Turner Firm today for a free consultation.

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