How Long Until My Case is Over?
When you are charged with a crime, your life is put on hold. Most schools will start disciplinary proceedings immediately and try to kick you out of school, even if you maintain your innocence. You could also face a loss of your job or the loss of a promotion; most employers will want to know that no criminal charges are pending before they will consider you for employment. As a result, most clients want to know how long it will be before their case is completed.
There Are No Quick Fixes
A criminal case is a marathon, not a race. My focus from day one is to get an acquittal for my clients. That does not come easily. If you wanted to take a plea deal “just to be done with it,” you wouldn’t need my help. I fight for my clients’ lives, and this can take several months. For example, an average felony case in Savannah will typically last for 12-18 months from the original arrest date.
There are ways that an aggressive criminal lawyer can speed that up, and oftentimes if a client does need the case resolved as soon as possible, I can help make that happen. This is especially true in the areas around Savannah, including Statesboro, where cases are notoriously slow.
Getting Your Life Back
The best criminal lawyers don’t just handle your criminal case; they help you get your life back. When a client retains me, I make it a priority to help them get back to school, get back to work, or get that promotion they deserve. To that end, I regularly schedule meetings with employers and school officials outside of the courtroom to help them understand that my clients will be acquitted and they should not be punished while a case is pending. Additionally, I correspond with employers and schools in any way that is necessary to help my clients get their lives back.
A good criminal lawyer is not just concerned with fighting your criminal case; he or she also wants to see you get on with your life. A criminal case can take months to resolve, and you need a lawyer who cares as much about your wellbeing as he does about the charges you face. Connect with our law firm today for a free case interview.